High Feast Days

High feasts are special occasions where families dress up and share lavish meals, often leading to either civil gatherings or familial brawls. The writer presents a humorous perspective on the possible scenarios, implying that there should be no worries as every situation ultimately unfolds into two possible outcomes, both of which should not cause concern.

The Refugees, #5 ‘Discordant’ (Campfire Stories Volume 2 Issue 5)

The group is prepared for the move from their safehouse to a hidden location called The Pond.

Friendly Blue Skies of Bluesky

Reader Poll

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The Refugees, #4: ‘Multifarious’ (Campfire Stories Volume 2 Issue 4)

The group of roommates in the Bay Area kitchen were surprised to discover how many of them worked for the Department of Defense. After some discussion, they decided to create a spreadsheet of personnel, skills, and radio frequencies. As they played with a HAM radio and an antenna, they stumbled upon a conversation between a submarine named 'Nautilus' and 'Frog Leader,' the base commander.

The Campfire: Behind the Scenes

How does that crow's nest for a brain work in the writer at Upending Wordism?

The Refugees, #2: ‘Malaise’ (Campfire Stories Volume 2 Issue 2)

Our narrator isn't feeling well until he learns of a linga unknown to science hidden under a farm on the island of Sulawesi.

The Refugees, #3: ‘Concession’ (Campfire Stories Volume 2 Issue 3)

An unstoppable force meets an immovable object.

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The Refugees, #1: ‘That metallic taste…’ (Campfire Stories Volume 2 Issue 1)

In a world devastated by a self-induced apocalypse, a struggling tribe of neighbors fights for survival with scarce resources.